hic Συγγραφέας

Cоrfu holidays can bе fillеd with рlеаѕurе аnd thrill especially fоr vacation ѕееkеrѕ whо wiѕh to get аwау frоm thе humdrumѕ оf urban lifе. This outlandish island in Grеесе has been арtlу referred tо аѕ another «Gаrdеn оf Edеn» аnd thе Emеrаld Iѕlе. Nоnеthеlеѕѕ, dеѕрitе its bеing еxоtiс, thе рiсturеѕԛuе аtоll bоаѕtѕ of contemporary rеѕоrtѕ, […]

At the bеаutiful Cоrfu Island, уоu саn еnjоу thе bеаutiful bеасhеѕ аnd indulgе in ѕоmе extravagant shopping in thе maze оf itѕ tареrеd ѕtrееtѕ. As a tоuriѕt, уоu саn explore Cоrfu either bу fооt оr rеnt a vеhiсlе аnd go аrоund thiѕ beautiful tоwn. Thе nаturаl beauty of the island is juѕt brеаthtаking аnd уоu […]

Spring holidays in Corfu are special for one more reason rather than the island’s natural beauty and the mild weather. The reason is Easter, Easter in Greece is one of the most important religious event for the Orthodox church but also one of Corfu’s unique cultural elements. Easter in Corfu is known worldwide, not only […]

Corfiot pastitsada is probably the most popular dish in the island. This recipe is made until today in the region of Verona and its original name was pastissada or Pastissáda de cavál, because people made it with horse meat. Every corfiot housewife has her own recipe but I shall provide you with an original corfiot […]

Well, I finally found the time to write about my amazing summer vacation and I hope my adventure will inspire you to visit, what is now, my favorite Greek island, Corfu. The summer started off to a rocky start, I hoped to go on a vacation sooner but I had to postpone it until the […]

Many years ago a young French couple came to Corfu. During their time in Corfu they reached Sidari. There they decided to visit Canal D’ Amour. They swam along the canal, and somewhere there, between wild nature and the sea they found an underwater path. After exploring it a bit they decided it was time […]

There’s so much more to Corfu than its picturesque Old Town, even if you cannot help feeling awe each time you roam its cobbled streets. Corfu’s past is long and diverse and very rich in cultural terms, showing influences from all its different periods of occupation. And much of this history is still reflected in […]

The southern part of Corfu is home to imposing coasts, sand dunes and golden sandy beaches that stretch for miles on end and unspoiled natural landscapes. A road trip dedicated to the low-key beauty and laid-back lifestyle of Corfu’s South is the perfect summer getaway for those who enjoy spending time in the nature, anyone […]

A road trip can always be an exciting experience, especially on an island as rich in possibilities and natural beauty as Corfu, with a wealth of hidden wonders to be discovered along the way. The northern part of Corfu is known for its lush interior, sculpted by the rocky hills of Mount Pantokrator, descending all […]